Monday, June 8, 2009

Collapse Assignment #2

As shown in the Easter Island Chapter of Jared Diamond's book, their deforestation eliminated a main resource. As the trees started out as an abundant resource, as time passed, their forrests got smaller, this was a main cause of the society's collapse. Similar to America's use of oil, it used to be that for every gallon used, hundreds would be produced but they declined and now we are losing energy. We depend so much on oil, it will most likely be a factor of the collapse of America.

Based on my own experiences, I notice adults talking about politics and oil is a reoccuring topic I'm wondering how many people are aware of it? I also wonder, of those who are aware of the decline of oil leading to the possible collapse of American society, have any incentive to come up with an alternative before it is too late. It seems to me that most Americans just accept that bad things will happen, or they assume that someone of higher power will take care of it (government)thinking that average American citizen is incapable of making a change.

When looking at other people's blogs about this assignment. I noticed Jacara's and she included a quote that really caught my attention that said "maybe when bombs start going off here, then people will listen" from the movie, Across the Universe. I agree with this quote, Americans tend to procrastonate, they put things off until there has been a drastic change directly affecting the citizens. As far as I know, nothing dramatic is being done about the decline of oil and I think once we start losing our fast food or other conveniences in our lives, that's when people will begin to want to do something. And connecting this point with mine, even when it comes to the point where our lives are in danger, people will still want to depend on the government or "the experts" to take charge which I don't think they will do successfully so late in the game.

1 comment:

Juggleandhope said...

Sandy -

Good use of other peoples' ideas - a rarely realized benefit of the blog system.

What are several alternatives to waiting for the experts to save us?