Sunday, November 9, 2008

Response to 2008 Election

I thought it was really interesting to see the different people who voted for each candidate. Generally I noticed the families with more money rooting for McCain and the working class families voting for Obama. But I did also notice that there were family feuds where half wanted McCain and the other wanted Obama which was also interesting. I also noticed how each candidate advertised their campaign. Obama had a very formal way of getting people to vote for him in his advertisement, saying what he plans to change in American whereas, McCain had citizens speaking for him and talk about why they want to vote for him and getting it from a different point of view. Obama's seemed to be more straight to the point and specific as to what he had planned as president and McCain's was repetative when it came to what the citizens were saying to emphasize that he plans to do good things for the country.
After Obama won the election, other people's reactions to the win was interesting as well. Those who supported him were screaming and very excited about him becoming president especially since history was made and he is the first black president. The next day at school many of the students were representing him and reciting "Yes we can" from his speach. Obama seems to have set high expectations for himself as president and he promised a lot for the country and I am curious as to if he can live up to these expectations and if American can handle that he may or may not keep his promises.

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