Thursday, March 26, 2009

Danish Assignment

If you calculate the minimum amount of money necessary for a woman living in a rented apartment in brooklyn named Jill who has a girl who is 3 years old and has another baby on the way to survive you'll roughly find that she needs $29,436 a year. The official income of a family of two that is recognized as poor it $1400, if Jill earns less than this she can get help from the government. So it turns out to be that the actual poverty line is nearly two times less than necessary. At this point, Jill is "unworthy" of welfare. (A person worthy of welface is someone who is making an effort to support themselves but needs a hand up not out as long as they make below the poverty line). But Jill she can use the universal welfare such as public schools but she would not get targeted help from the government. If Jill were poor she could also recieve charity which is out of pitty or she can get help in solidarity, workin gotgether with those who are in the same situation where they share the same benefits.

No matter where Jill is living, needs to pay taxes. There's the flat tax, regressive tax, and progressive tax. The flat tax is where everyone pays the same percent where the poor pays more than the rich. The regressive tax is where the poor has a higher percentage of income tax while the rich has a lower percentage like a sales tax for example, favoring the top of the social ladder. Progressive is the opposite where the rich pay more than the poor. And finally, an effective tax includes all taxes once they are calculated.

contrasting with the danish welfare system, they have higher taxes but they have free health care and free day care. They also have unemployment beneits where if you are without a job, you get money from the government for four years, then a two year break where you are forced to look for a job, there are circumstances for each situation. Because of all these regulations for the majority of the time you are never without a job and it is very difficult to be poor. "Get poor or die trying" as a Danish student described it as.

I think that it might be a good idea for America to adopt the Danish model and become a Social Democracy because I would think that it would decrease the amount of poor people in America but I think it is too early to decide, I think it would be best to decide after seeing all of the pros and cons to a Social Democracy but as of right now, I think it would be a good idea.

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