Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Was Michael Moore Lying about...?

In the movie SiCKO, Michael Moore stated that Cuba's life expectancy rate is higher than America's
according to wikipedia ( Cuba is #37 on the list of life expectancy and America is #38

The movie also gave viewers the idea that Canadians are happy with their health care
according to 80% of Canadians are happy with their health care but the 20% who are not happy with their health care say they have a long wait causing added stress, anxiety, and pain, similar to the American health care system (from what myself and my family have experienced), there is a long wait to get the care you need. But contrasting with the Canadian health care system, Americans worrying about the medical bill and the insurance companies most likely also add to the stress and anxiety.

1 comment:

Juggleandhope said...

Sandy -

Good quick fact checking. Please turn the webaddresses into links if you can - otherwise it clutters up the text.